Bender Energy Group Continues to Lead Energy Management Industry In 2014

Bender Energy Photos Revised IIBender Energy Group Again Is An Industry Leader In 2014

The Bender Energy Group takes the lead again on energy management is 2014.  The Bender Energy Group, a proven and recognized leader in the energy management field has again shown why it’s impressive track record of superior know how and performance has led the field again in 2014.

Our efforts this year have allowed our company to experience significant, strategic, and strong growth.  We have continued to grow our presence as an industry leader being invited to speak at many events in 2014.

We have continued to provide smart effective solutions that allow our Customers to reduce corporate energy cost and at the same time expand the efficiency of their corporate energy programs.

Bender Energy Group has again excelled in 2014 within the facility auditing, emissions reduction, and energy project management field while adding energy management education and training and other critical corporate energy management services to their core of products.

If your company or government agency is in need of energy management services, then you should consider the Bender Energy Group’s host of full service energy management products and services.



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